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What is the difference between high-speed bearings and low-speed bearings

Time:2023-07-13        Read

Bearings are important components in modern industry, and their performance technology directly affects the development of certain fields. In daily life, we also constantly come into contact with bearings, such as those needed in automobiles and mechanical equipment, in order to achieve better operation. Because bearings are used in different fields, their classification may also vary. Do you know that bearings can also be divided into high-speed and low-speed bearings? So how do you distinguish between high-speed bearings and low-speed bearings? What is the basis for this? Below, we will share the basis and differences between high-speed bearings and low-speed bearings.

The distinction between high-speed bearings and low-speed bearings is based on:

Because of the different ways of use, bearings can be divided into high-speed bearings and low-speed bearings. However, although in this way, their differentiation is not simply based on how many revolutions can be made per revolution. Some low-speed bearings can rotate at nearly tens of thousands of revolutions per minute, but some are called high-speed bearings, whose Revolutions per minute are only a few hundred revolutions. Their differentiation is based on the linear speed of bearings, High linear speed means high speed bearings, while low linear speed means low speed bearings.

Differences between high-speed and low-speed bearing types:

Low speed bearings generally use rolling bearings, while high-speed sliding bearings, which are responsible for rotating parts inside the bearings, are different. Low speed bearings use circular, cylindrical, or even conical rotors; And high-speed bearings use bearing shells, please pay attention to: Rongji igniter.

The difference between high-speed bearings and low-speed bearings can be seen from their appearance:

From the appearance, it can be found that the surface of high-speed bearings looks smoother, without roughness or some pits like that of low-speed bearings. The distance between the outer and inner rings is very small, and the accuracy of the bearings is also relatively high; At low speeds, the surface is relatively rough and has lower accuracy.

The materials used for high-speed bearings and low-speed bearings are different:

There are also some differences in materials. High speed steels use metallographic and high hardness steels, which can withstand relatively large pressures; If the speed of ordinary bearings is relatively low, they use some ordinary materials and do not need to bear too much pressure, so the requirements for material hardness and durability are relatively reduced.

Both low-speed and high-speed bearings are actually manufactured after precise design and repeated testing by designers. Although its components themselves are very small, its technological innovation and changes can often drive the development of an industry, and its role cannot be underestimated. Therefore, if the equipment we use daily includes bearings, we must be careful not to damage it, otherwise it may require a large amount of maintenance costs.

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