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Maintenance methods for rolling bearings

Time:2023-07-11        Read

Rolling bearings are widely used bearings and are used in many modern industrial equipment. However, during use, some losses may inevitably occur. In order to reduce these losses and improve the service life of bearings, it is necessary to regularly maintain rolling bearings. Below, we will introduce the maintenance methods for rolling bearings.

1. Cleaning

Firstly, clean the bearing by placing it in gasoline. Wipe off the oil and dust on the surface of the rolling bearing. If the bearing rusts, use metallographic sandpaper to wipe and polish it until there is no rough feeling on the bearing surface when touched by hand.

Cleaning bearings generally consists of two steps, namely rough cleaning and fine cleaning. When performing rough cleaning, the bearing should be removed and placed in a container, using a metal mesh as a base to prevent direct contact with external dirt. Then, a brush should be used to remove the lubricating grease, dust, oil sludge, and other adhesive substances on the bearing surface. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the dirt on the rolling bearing surface not to damage and contaminate the bearing rolling surface. After all the cleaning is completed, fine cleaning can be carried out.

When performing fine cleaning, it is necessary to first put the bearing into the cleaning oil, continuously rotate it, and carefully clean the bearing. At the same time, it is important to keep the cleaning oil clean during cleaning.

2. Rust prevention

After cleaning, use a dry rag to wipe the bearings dry, and then immerse them in anti rust oil. During the soaking process, keep all bearings in contact with the anti rust oil and continuously rotate the bearings. This can make the anti rust oil form a layer of oil film covering the surface of the bearings, achieving the purpose of anti rust.

3. Lubrication

After rust prevention is completed, evenly apply anti rust oil, butter, and other substances to the surface of the bearing. The inner and outer rings, steel balls, and cages of the bearing should be applied while rotating the bearing to ensure that the anti rust oil fully enters the interior of the bearing and plays a role in lubricating the bearing.

4. Storage

When storing rolling bearings, it is best to store them in an environment with a humidity below 65% and a temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius. It is better to store them on shelves higher than 30cm, and the storage area should be kept away from direct sunlight and cold walls as much as possible.

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